Posted in Faith, Family, Jesus, Lent

Today is not Ash Wednesday

You probably already know this by the fact that today is a Friday. If Lent is about failing and learn that is not the end of the world, I am doing spectacularly well.

Between a sleep-regressing, teething baby and a toddler whose world collapsed because the ashes accidentally got on her nose during Mass (“I don’t like church! I’m going to run away! I’m upset!”), we are offering up a lot over here…and not via our planned daily rosary. Failing with style.

I feel full of extra complaints welling up within me. I see the items on my to do list remain unchecked. I hold the stress in my neck and shoulders from the lack of continuous sleep and my worry lines deepen.

But I will not be dissuaded from the process. Lent is not about me after all.


P.S. The Litany of Trust is breaking me down spiritually in the best of ways. I will go into more depth at some point. But, man, if you do not know about this prayer already, I highly recommend approaching it with caution. You will not be the same.

Posted in Faith, Family, Jesus, Lent

Here comes Lent!

I have a sick baby. And a sleepy brain. Combined, this makes me pretty foggy. I had a grand post planned out for today. My sleepy brain lost it. So, instead is a list…I love lists.

Lenten promises 2019, let’s do this.

  • Daily family decade of the rosary-This is my high aspiration. Vivi knows the prayers for the most part and she loves counting, so I’m hoping that will keep her attention. I also ordered her a new ChewsLife decade rosary and printed out colorful versions of the mysteries to teach her those as well. Gianna will just get the grace from being in the room and chewing on Viv’s old rosary that she has now claimed (#teethinglife) If you need something to pray for this Lent, pray for our family rosary time.
  • Setting limits on my phone time- If I was really hardcore, I would just give it up all together. I’m not ready for that. But I am ready to set some hard boundaries and focus my attention on things more important than mindless scrolling.
  • To the End Catholic Devotional for Women from Blessed is She– Super pumped for this one. The Blessed is She Advent and Lent journals always seem to kick my butt spiritually and awaken a new understand of Scripture and my relationships. I need a good wake up call and I’m fearfully awaiting one in the pages of this beauty.
  • Gospel of Mark- I need to get back in my Bible, since I did finally find it after months of searching. I had great ideas of daily rosaries and renewing my Marian consecration this Lent, but in prayer I felt Jesus inviting me to know Him better, since I’m already pretty close with His mom. I put this off a lot. As a person who earns a living from ministry, I get embarrassed by the fact that my relationship with Jesus is so weak. God the Father is my go-to person of the Trinity and I’m learning more and more about my relationship with the Holy Spirit, but Jesus and I need some work. That’s where I want to put my heart this Lent: in the hands of Jesus.
  • Daily Litany of Trust– Transition is our norm of the moment and I need more trust. End of story.
  • Writing- I want to write more and I have for a while. (Something other than my thesis, that is…so over that at this point.) I really just need to kick start myself back into the habit and Lent seemed like a pretty good time to do that. So, I’m resolving to post something here every day for Lent. Doesn’t have to be good, doesn’t have to be long, and if we’re honest, most days will be some sort of list…have I mentioned my love for lists? And that’s ok.

You’re in my prayers this season. See you tomorrow.