Posted in Family, Motherhood

A pretty Monday-ish Tuesday

Yesterday was Memorial Day and I haven’t been in an office (or in front of an actual computer screen…sorry thesis!) since Wednesday…today is rough! Not to mention it is gorgeous outside and I can only view it from my window. Boo!

This holiday weekend we took a quick-ish road trip to visit my brother-in-law which contained a longer than normal drive for Vivi, but she was amazing. I drove both ways and was seriously so impressed at how well my little big girl did during the 5 hours each way. I think the fact that we just turned her car seat to face forward had a big part to do with it. That and the glorious invention of the portable DVD player.

My in-laws joined us for part of the trip which was really good for Viv to spend a lot of time with Matt’s side of the family. These visits still cause me some anxiety but I’d like to think I’m getting better. Matt would probably disagree. Baby steps.

Monday was a really good family day at home. The 4 of us went to the zoo which is our new favorite hang-out of the moment. Vivi really loves the statue of a dog and random gazebo while we try to point out the lions and monkeys. As long as she’s having fun, I guess. We came home with Leo, the lion and he has been roaring ever since.


Lots of things coming up on the docket including moving (NOT houses…just rooms), renovations and, hopefully, LOTS of writing…I need the thesis monkey off my back.

Looking forward to more sharing and more openness and more sunshine!

(Though, fair warning, I see my therapist tomorrow, so bring on all the emotions haha)


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